
Acoso al Acceso

donde roce reabre cada herida
y profundiza las llagas

¿qué mareo confunde versos
y borra toda epifanía?

lluvia en punto pasada medianoche
lava la memoria pero no el sudor


Smolder In Pyré


I recognize home as I am dragged away
--I think I do, at least:
A first impression of ice
melting away--

six of one, media docena
de cualquier otro por reconocer:

(la memoria del fuego--
el calor el resplandor el resultado
del esfuerzo desesperado
contra el entumecimiento--)

It's about consequences
& all singular consequence


Learn to Forget Every Day

disconsolately sobbing
Big Latina Valley Girl
sits crosslegged in the driveway

her perky black mongrel
paces circles on the pavement
damp after the rainstorm

returning from my run
twenty minutes later
girl & dog have traded places


Richard Hugo: success & failure...

It's been so long... is this a saddle I'm riding, or a waterfall washing me down?

The ghost of Jack London blows fearful inspiration, awesome gusts of lung survival
roundabout my liver-spotted temples.

I gotta be free/like...the...new moon, este martes 13

So lonely. Sixteen months away from my sixtieth birthday. Death lurks behind every corner.

Los Alamos. Glen Ellen. San Juan Bautista. These towns!

'Call me Aimless-- errr, Ishmael!' TALK TO ME!

Excess is the measure of moderation: error is the trial of experience & learning.

I'm sooooo tired. I haven't found a home. I'm sooooo tired: I'm old & all alone.

I wonder should I give up...


Object Arrivals

sweet filth in whitewashed lust?

flighty rage for order, older & renewed
ferment jokes, toxic waking:
what is the chemistry of your faithful organs?

a code for consciousness--
a memory maze in the rosary murmur
not subject to departures


Horseman, Pass Over

sweet filth in whitewashed lust?
flighty rage for order, older & renewed

ferment jokes, toxic waking:
what is the chemistry of your faithful organs?

a code for consciousness--
a memory maze in the rosary murmur


Unsung Soul


beyond our finger counting
turn of the century
sorrows are mute with age
losing voice & words
to the choking hold

a sudden rainstorm fills in
for tears our eyes will not wring out
is there no untapp'd well beneath my heart
to slake the dry rage in my mouth?

there's no fear of falling
when your life is a snake's crawl
among broken glass

embrace the pain
to find the light you seek
there is no birth & death
there is no end to birth & death



No Noose is Verse

Counter-ballast bard
grown melancholy
works a voice out
loud, mid-blizzard
to be his hissing only

Critical hierarchies
lower memory
down the well of names:
fishing sinks their bucket
in final pendulum bounce
off the outcrop-- nameless, then

Review without staring?