
Orlando Furioso, 2016

dentro del sellado armario
la sangre ahogó tu reflejo

pintalabios cantagallo
de oscura madrugada
que lustra la mínima esquirla
del turbio espejo astillado
con el carmín que negaba 
tres veces su fuente oculta

ay tu podrida hombría
de amargo desamor armada

ay tu ritual borbotón
de hueco pecho rasgado

ay tu violenta fe 
que insiste un vacío vengado

Second-hand Lives

Anger & resentment will
fuel my aging frame's limping skill

Forever Young shades embrace
my doubting Thomas in rage, rage
against the goodnight light

I will rant & rave over the slope
where Guy Debord slowly dug
his sodden grave

I may fall down sober on the cot
where Walter Benjamin
took his forceful swift poison

I will thrive where I arrive--
Nowhere Man
scattered to the winds
where the sky burns in welcome