
Atento al Atentado

atento a la difícil calma
donde cada paso es primero
tras un primero tras el primero
para la tarea de los nudos
en su enredo informe

difícil sin horror
ni frustración ni hastío
para la tarea de los nudos
cuyo enredo informe de temor
ante los borrones y evidentes olvidos
aún pretende apoyar
la imposible medida
la impredecible supervivencia


Fatal Science

alone with
self-diagnostic routines
is nothing but mandatory
compulsive data collection

for the upgrading support
for the logical glue
for a label to stick

through the masking context
of culture in adopted language
an allowance of breathing room

with self-diagnostic routines
life is nothing
but self-fulfilling prophecies
of decline and death


Tricks of twilight

the refuge of yon cabin ended in collapse
as it may have been meant to
from its shared erection

the disavowed trickster is nothing but
the thief of enlightenment
the fallen teacher of human cunning

coyote snickers at human tracking
fearful divination sought in entrails
cowrie shells or matrix grids of probability

a remnant of crow feathers
smudges the sunset in a swirling
web of smoldering ashes