
My Most Consistently Supportive Friend-- my Chinese Horoscope!

Don't be concerned about the briefness of your existence; just enjoy yourself, profit by all the legitimate pleasures available, and then you'll have the impression of having reached eternity. Don't let yourself be dragged into ill-prepared or too risky financial operations, otherwise you could end up in a catastrophic situation for some stars will be very adverse in this domain. On the contrary, you'll have excellent chances to succeed in your career if your work does not involve the manipulation of money.

East-West Combined Zodiac
Aries Wood Horse

Base station in downtown Mendoza for nearly six months-- Wi-Fi enabled Café Havanna, also providing a taste of home in little coconut cones called 'Havannitas'!

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Perdon David, juro que guardé las botellas, al dia siguiente ya no estaban, no pude mandar lo de la etiquet, por falta de tiempo. Como te comenté tube una reunion en casa a la tarde luego ensayo a las 20 hs.

Te escribiré luego..

viNomadic ha dit...

Pauli, ¿cómo estás? Me perdi al Seba esta noche-- entre alergias, inercia y algo de de pre no he renovado mi licencia de conducir aún...un abrazo--djr